

  Gabi Shul, was only nine years old, when they had to amputee her leg from the knee down, Because of a type of cancer called osteosarcoma (it is a cancer that affects the bone). The cancer, was found when she had an x-ray after she injured herself when she was ice skating, she fell and the knee was getting bigger and wasn’t heling so they took an x-ray and they found out she had cancer. After the amputation, she didn’t give up, and she still dances now at the age of 19 years. Because of a revolutionary surgery called rotationplasty. The surgeons reattached her foot to the remaining part of the leg, at a 180 degree. So that it could fit into a prosthetic in a way to allow her to continue to dance. And that’s what she has done. Now she dances different styles of dance, she dances with pointe shoes she dances hip hop, tip tap, jazz and contemporary dance, she also dances competitively. Gabi is also a national spokesperson for a children’s cancer awareness organisation called th...


  Oggi abbiamo deciso di proporvi un problema di Einstein. Speriamo vi divertiate a risolverlo! Ci sono cinque case: 1. Lo scozzese vive nella casa rossa 2. Il greco è proprietario del cane 3. Il caffè viene bevuto nella casa verde 4. Il boliviano beve il tè 5. La casa verde è immediatamente a destra della casa color rosa 6. Quello che porta i mocassini possiede le lumache 7. Nella casa gialla vengono indossati gli zatteroni (un tipo di calzatura) 8. Nella casa in mezzo si beve il latte 9. Il danese vive nella prima casa 10. La persona che indossa le Birkenstock vive nella casa accanto alla persona con la volpe 11. Gli zatteroni si indossano nella casa accanto a quella in cui c'è il cavallo 12. Chi indossa le pantofole beve succo d'arancia 13. Il giapponese indossa le Havaianas (infradito) 14. Il danese vive accanto alla casa azzurra. Domanda: chi beve l'acqua? Chi possiede la zebra? Per chiarezza: ciascuna delle cinque case è dipinta con un colore diverso. Ci vive al suo i...


  An accomplished writer, political activist, tireless pioneer of women’s rights, birth control, and many civil battles that brought her into contact with presidents, statesmen, and dignitaries around the world, Helen Keller born June 27, 1880, and died June 1, 1968 was a living example of how an insurmountable obstacle can be transformed into a “wonderful good”. “The best and most beautiful things can neither be seen nor heard, but felt in the heart”, Hellen Keller would go so far as to write in one of her books. She was guided to the light by Anne Suvillan, the teacher who took her by the hand when she was still a child and who remained with her for over forty years. Deaf-blind from an inless contracted when she was 19 months old, little Helen born on June 27 , 1880 grew up spoiled and wild on her parents in Alabama. She was a sharp child but her relationship with the world was limited to a few signs that only her daughter from the cook understood , in addittion to the bellowing ...


  Today  I a m  go ing  to  tell the story of Ramon Arroyo .     I  decided to tell his story because  I  think that it is very inspiring and  it    explains well the concept of courage . Since he was  young  he loved athletics and was a  very   good runner .   I n his life he completed 4 marathons ,  3 half marathons and some 10k races.   When he was 33 years old ,  he received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis,  a  potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord.  When   someone   has   such  a  disease ,  his  immune system attacks the protective envelope   that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems between  his  brain and the rest of  his  body.    In  spite  of  this disease he decided to  try  his first  “ Ir onman ”  competition . T...